Administrative Glance:

Since the first creation and through the emergence of the first civilizations, there has been apprehension and suspicion between man and the ocean, represented by climate factors such as rain, wind, temperature variation, and its relationship with other organisms, plant or animal. This tense and cautious relationship results in cruel behavior by man towards the surrounding living conditions. Or non-living, as it resists every creature that does not match its interests and works to exclude all living things that pose an apparent or latent danger to it. This exclusion includes deprivation from living and food sources, reproduction prevention, hunting, and mass extermination of population gatherings for every organism that contradicts it. Humans who settled the earth and acquired other species' habitats. Nature forced its harshness on mankind through floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, drought seasons, predators, and the movement of insects such as locusts.

Thus, man tried to get close and courteous to harsh nature by avoiding drought areas and housing near water sources and other methods of protection against extreme conditions. He also worked to gain the satisfaction of the environment through religious beliefs, as he made most of his sacred gods in harmony with natural causes of dangers and disasters, such as the gods of fire, rain, sun, and others. This secret war between man and the environment continued, with alternating victories. The industrial revolution gave man a devastating victory over the environment by exploiting and depleting nature's resources. Which contributed to disease spread, revenue loss, and decreased material supplies, giving the environment a devastating win. Man was forced to decrease the depletion of natural resources, reduce causes of pollution, preserve biodiversity, and revert to sustainable energy sources like the sun, wind, etc.